Friday, 7 September 2012

Stubborn toddler at 14 months

Tomorrow Rishab turn 14 months old and like the topic of my post he has become 'STUBBORN" yes in capital. Last month was quiet entertaining. Right from getting up 7 times at night during his teething problem.. to washing his vomited clothes to cleaning the floor where he vomited. It was tiring still fun. Well actually my maid went back so i was practically without her the whole month.

Let talk about his stubbornness.. Now if he want to go to a place he will pull your hand with so much force that if you dare to leave it he will fall right on the floor. He will cry loudly if you dont take him to a place or give him what he want. He cannot ask for what he wants but knows how to get it. Rishab likes to read books so we have got him many books and they will all be stacked on the book shelf.  He will then point at the book shelf then we will get him one book.. then he will push the book aside if the doesnt want it. He will then keep pushing the books till we give him the one he is looking for. In the book, if he wants to see a particular page in the book, he will go on turning the pages till he reaches the page he want to see.  My mom is making an ABC book for him and he loves the black monkey in the book. so he will make us flip all the pages from A to N and finally will get excited to see the Monkey. He can now walk backwards and can climb small steps without support. He pushes a whole trolley filled with 24 lts of milk and tries to lift a 2 litres bottle. He has started sipping water from the sippy cup. And thanks to my friend priya we have now stopped giving him milk at night. We are still working on him sleeping through the night but i think he should in some weeks. He is also trying to transition to one nap nowadays.. So lots of changes are happening.

His food routine remains more or less the same... morning starts of with egg yolk and almond walnut and honey. Followed by his morning walk and then his breakfast (ragi or dalia or cerelac.
He then lays and sleeps and gets up for lunch. We have started giving him half a puri fried in ghee followed by rice and fish or rice and chicken. evening is orange juice and dinner is rice and broccoli or mixed veg or palak paneer. This time we have started puri so that he learn to bite considering now he has 6 teeth 4 above and 2 below.

Thanks also to another friend Shraddha, we have now started him on cow milk without sugar and he is taking it well. We mix half formula and half Meiji milk and will be doing it for a week then next week will be going one forth three forth milk and finally he will be on cow milk after 2 weeks.

Another thing we are planning to do is potty training. We had started last month then he had diarrhea for a week so we stopped. Anyway maybe next month will give you more reviews on his progress on biting of food and potty training.