Thursday, 1 November 2012

A talking Baby at almost 16 months

So heres cheers to Rishab's 16th month .. to be completed in a few days... and the news is well he has started talking.. He is my cute little parrot who is repeating not just word but even sentences... Well what i noticed was just after he turned 15 month he started saying 2 word together.. then 3 and now almost 4 word at a time... Its amazing to see how he tries to copy... A simple instance of opening a door.. Rishab started saying "oooo" for open.. then progressed to "open" and then to "open door" and now he can say "please open door" All this in a months time... Well people say he is quiet fast at talking considering he is a boy... but i would attribute this to all family members speaking to him at a from birth.. Just talk to your baby anything... describe everyday thing.. and do it right from the begining... this will increase his vocabulary and help him speak faster... Another thing was use of one language to speak to him.. This has helped him to speak faster... and his speech is so adorable that it amazes me at times .. He can say "Dada Dadi"  "Avi Mama" "Ball bounce" "Nail cutter" "shoe socks" "please wear" "please start laptop" "old king cole" "pee-boo" "om jai jagadi" "wheels of the bus round" "chappati" "eeya eeya oh" and today it was "Good Morning". He can repeat words at lightening speed. However the most common word is "NO No  No"

Everyday when his nana and papa are having dinner.. he will come and tell them "pleeease get up" cause he wants to give them their medicine. Its just so cute. 

One more amazing thing happened last month .. he started counting 1-10 and its the most adorable thing I have heard in ages.

So basically I am feeling like a very proud mom.. and I guess I just cant stop writing about all he says in this post. It a wonderful feeling so look at Rishab now.. From a helpless baby to a strong and expressive toddler.. the journey has been amazing.

On the last months progress.. the potty training is going on quiet well.. atleast out of the 5 times a day he pee.. he will mostly do the evening pee on potty which is good progress. There are days when it get cold and he peeing schedule goes haywire.. but its really fine and acceptable for such a small baby. The best part is if he does his pee outside the potty he will start crying.. cause he know "Mummy dsay do pee -pee in the potty". but obviously we dont scold him... we just remind him to do it in the potty next time. However the conclusion for this topic is...potty training is fun.. and I would suggest to all to-be parent to please try it out... and not wait for them to come out of it on their own.. You might be wondering whats the fun in putting a toddler on the pot every 2 hours.. yes it was tiring initially.. but now its fun. I sit near Rishab when I put him on the potty and we will play some game with him and make him laugh when he is sitting... and there comes the pee.. just making him laugh. Sometime we also try to put water on his pee-pee to make him pee.. and the sound of soooo-soooo make him giggle his way to pee. The pee accidents can be frustrating at times but still a potty training is fun. Recollecting the last week experience... Mrugesh was connecting the CCT to the computer and Rishab was standing behind him.. and suddenly he pee-ed on Mrugesh back.. Mrugesh was wondering what is this warm thing on my back... only to later realised his son had pee-ed on him.. it was a hilarious scene.

Last week 26th Oct was a bad day for Rishab. We had a few guest at our place and Rishab was playing pee-ka-boo with the kids.. and he suddenly started crying... He cried almost 2 hoours continuously that day... Not me or my husband or nana or nani could stop his crying and he vomitted his food out twice. so that day poor baby slept off without and food.. and only milk. We attibuted it to the number of guest adn to the unknown environment and noise at home.. and thought he will be ok the next morning... The whole night my rolling baby hardly moved.. and was whimpering in his sleep.. I was helping him get into a comfortable position every 2 hours.. but I attibuted his night crying to hunger.. however more was yet to come.. the next morning he got up and started crying bitterly just like the previous night.. Since dad is a doctor he suggested rushing him to emergency.. Well quiet scary.. But being patient in such matters helps... We observed that the moment we asked Rishab are you"hurt" or having "pain" he cried loudly cause he understands these word.. They I recollected .. the whole night he was not moving his left hand.. so we detected the problme was in the left hand.. Mrugesh sprayed a muscle relaxant on his shoulder and the cry of Rishab was heart wrenching.. but in exactly 5 minutes he stoped cryin.. So the cause was detected..  Next we observed he did not move his left hand... ok we knew we had to goto a doctor.. We rushed to the emergency in NUH and luckily the doctor there was able to detect the dislocation in his elbow and just pull it back to place and in the next 15 minutes or so he was back to normal. He said such things keep happening to kids till the age of 5 if fall wrongly or sleep in some awkward position (this is just for your information).

When your child is hurt specially if he is so small.. and cant say what is happening.. its too painful for the parent. We really felt so helpless that day and I was really thanking God for having doctors in this world.

So like every other month this month too was very exciting and adventurous. Wishing you all a Happy Diwali.

I am waiting to write about the Diwali celebrations .. since Rishab can understand more this time as compared to his first diwali.. another important thing is my parents would be leaving this month end .. so now need to manage with my hubby and domestic another experience awaiting.. It will be different with mom dad leaving after spending one year with Rishab. I hope Rishab adjust well after they leave.