I was unable to write last week as I was very busy both with office work and with Rishab. First time Rishab had fallen ill with fever and cough and cold. Though it was not so serious he was quiet uncomfortable the whole week. This was mainly because of the change of place (we shifted recently to a new place) and change of climate.
Well now baby is back with a bounce, he turned 8 months today. The last 2 weeks have seen a lot of developments in Rishab. He has become more vocal, babbles a lot in his baby language and has become very expressive. when he doesnt want to eat more he will seal his lips like fevicol.
We introduced a new play mat this week and we have observed whenever we introduce a new thing for Rishab he will experiment further. we introduced the mat with the intention that he will crawl and while sitting it will act as a cushion if he falls. But baby Rishab had something else for us in store.... the moment we put him on the mat he tried to stand up. Well now he uses crawling very rarely only if he has no option left otherwise he will always try to walk and get hold of things.

He loves to slide down on the slide in the park and he has become a professional in climbing steps. He can also now hold thing in both his hands and bang them. He does it mostly with his nanis bangles as they make a tingling sound and he loves it.
This week we also introduced some normal adult food for him which he enjoyed.. such a relief that baby likes something besides cerelac. Well Rishab has also learnt how to play catch and cook. In between his dinner we need to push in some activity so that the food goes down and he burps a little. His papa started this game with him. He put him in the walker and started running and rishab also ran behind him to catch him. they both run from one room to the other and how my baby laughs when he play this game is worth a watch https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-XW2mWZxD1Rk/T21MDLP_n8I/AAAAAAAAHQM/hY1-kXy5TXI/w223-h167-n-o-k/00026.mpg
Rishab is also very attracted to girls... we have noticed this.. He will kiss the baby girl on the magazine cover and watch all chinese girls without a blink. He will also kiss his mummys photo but when his nana asks him to kiss he will not give him a kiss... He already know the difference.. so cute!!
One the bad front he has started hating to take bath. He will try to stand and turn around and do all kinds of acrobatics to avoid bath. How sad!! a baby who loved bath is now hating it. well as parents we had to try something news to avoid the everyday bath drama. So we kept a small stool in his tub. He now atleast does not do as many acrobatics while having bath. i guess he has taken this from his dada(paternal grandfather). His dada also takes bath sitting on the stool... so here we can see some similarities between the dada and pota (grandson). Next week we are planning to introduce a swimming pool for him... will write about his reaction next week.
Well now baby is back with a bounce, he turned 8 months today. The last 2 weeks have seen a lot of developments in Rishab. He has become more vocal, babbles a lot in his baby language and has become very expressive. when he doesnt want to eat more he will seal his lips like fevicol.
We introduced a new play mat this week and we have observed whenever we introduce a new thing for Rishab he will experiment further. we introduced the mat with the intention that he will crawl and while sitting it will act as a cushion if he falls. But baby Rishab had something else for us in store.... the moment we put him on the mat he tried to stand up. Well now he uses crawling very rarely only if he has no option left otherwise he will always try to walk and get hold of things.
He loves to slide down on the slide in the park and he has become a professional in climbing steps. He can also now hold thing in both his hands and bang them. He does it mostly with his nanis bangles as they make a tingling sound and he loves it.
This week we also introduced some normal adult food for him which he enjoyed.. such a relief that baby likes something besides cerelac. Well Rishab has also learnt how to play catch and cook. In between his dinner we need to push in some activity so that the food goes down and he burps a little. His papa started this game with him. He put him in the walker and started running and rishab also ran behind him to catch him. they both run from one room to the other and how my baby laughs when he play this game is worth a watch https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-XW2mWZxD1Rk/T21MDLP_n8I/AAAAAAAAHQM/hY1-kXy5TXI/w223-h167-n-o-k/00026.mpg
Rishab is also very attracted to girls... we have noticed this.. He will kiss the baby girl on the magazine cover and watch all chinese girls without a blink. He will also kiss his mummys photo but when his nana asks him to kiss he will not give him a kiss... He already know the difference.. so cute!!
One the bad front he has started hating to take bath. He will try to stand and turn around and do all kinds of acrobatics to avoid bath. How sad!! a baby who loved bath is now hating it. well as parents we had to try something news to avoid the everyday bath drama. So we kept a small stool in his tub. He now atleast does not do as many acrobatics while having bath. i guess he has taken this from his dada(paternal grandfather). His dada also takes bath sitting on the stool... so here we can see some similarities between the dada and pota (grandson). Next week we are planning to introduce a swimming pool for him... will write about his reaction next week.
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