Friday, 8 February 2013

Rishab at 19 months

Each month with Rishab seems to be getting more and more easier. This month was quiet good... Risahb has progressed quiet well on the "biting front" He is now eating chappati and other things..  We experimented with omlette and Parathas and chappatis and he seem to like all very much.. So much so that he asked for his chappati on his own and rolls it and dips in curd and eats it.. The vegetable obviously follows.

One hilarilous incident which took place was.. till last month we had been pureeing or mashing fruits before giving Rishab.. This time I asked my maid to get small pieces of papaya. It so happened that knowing rishab she got half plate of pieces and the other half mashed. Rishab loved biting the papaya pices and when it got ove I put the mashed papaya in to his mouth and he looks at me and tells me "Papaya pieces?" I was laughing. told him pieces are over only mashed papaya.. but being a good boy that he is he finished the mashed papaya.
Due to my fracture I am at home so Rishab sees mummy all day but papa only in the evening. So he is all "Papa Papa in the evening" so much so that he will tell his papa "Papa take you down.. pleeease" (He does not say "Papa take me down" .. does not know difference between "me and you" :))If his papa comes late when me or my maid are making him eat he will tell us " Papa make you eat. Mummy please excuse me" and this is hilarious when you hear it.

I completely forgot to mention his tantrums.. If he wants something he will crying like a loudest baby on this planet. Its quiet scary even now at times.

He is also well settled in school now... infacts likes going to school. Its again a big milestone... It took him about 2.5 weeks to get used to it but now he enjoys it. He made a couple of craft items in school.. like a face and a chinese new year card. So yes, he is growing up too soon. We feel sad about it, but at the same time feel proud of him.

He  routine looks more or less looks like this : Get up by seven. Do his potty and his brush. Eats his breakfast then Papa gets him ready by 8.30am for school. Come back by 11.30am and has his egg and then drinks milk and sleeps for one to one and a half hour. He gets up by 1.30 and starts food by 2.00 pm. Currently he take about and hour for his food as he is new to biting food so is a  little slow. After food is play time and then 4.30 fruit time and 5.30 milk time. And yes the 5.30 pm milk is now by cup. From last week, we tried in a small cup souvinier to make him drink milk and after that he always asks for a cup to drink his evening milk. One more achievement.Then he goes down to play. He is back from play by 7.30 for dinner. Night time always has some rice dish as he is too sleepy. He is usually done with dinner by 8.00 - 8.15. Unfortunately we need to show him the laptop to finsh his dinner nowadays. So he has a bath at night before he sleeps.( due to the last few weeks being a little cold in the mornings) . So he is in bed by 9.00 - 9.30pm.

Again proud of your acheievements Rishab!! Keep going!!

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