Sunday 19 February 2012

Rishab at 32 Weeks

Last week stared with a visit to a friends house with Rishab. Whenever we go to someone place he will find it so new that he will keep looking around and observing things and people. If our friends lift him up and play with him he will he happy to play with them. But if they just lift him and talk to him, his face will change to a cranky face within minutes.

The week also saw Valentines day, so a brought a rose for Rishab and guess what he did!! He smashed the rose with both his hands and then gave a beautiful smile.Now he has also become very affirmative in certain things. If he does not like being in the walker and want to come out he will keep crying with crocodile tears and these will stop the moment any one picks him up. We have managed to trick little Rishab in eating more atleast for dinner. He will eat about 3/4th of a bowl and then he will seal his lips like someone has applied fevicol on them. No amount of coaxing of distraction can open his mouth. So to make him eat more we will change his taste and offer him some fruit puree which he likes, so he will take some more spoons till he is finally done. After this we don't force him or it could mean asking calling for trouble (he may puke out if too full).

This week during one of his trips to the park he learnt to climb the steps with our help. He has now understood how to lift his leg to take the step up. Quiet an achievement for his age.The funny part however is his going down the step. He is so anxious to get down that he jumps down the step instead of putting down one leg at a time.But I am sure he will pick this up sooner or later. He also did a funny thing at the park this week. There was a chinese girl who came to play with him. He gave her a nice smile she touched him and ran away. So he forced himself out of my arm and wanted to walk can go behind the baby girl. He was literally following her everywhere until he got tired. Chasing girls has started now itself. Lets see what the future holds for him!!.

The weekend was not so good, Rishab had major teething problem he was biting on almost anything and everything. Right from his blanket, to the remote, to the strap of my purse, to the his own finger, veerything was in his mouth. Guess the first teeth are anywhere around the corner. Lets wait and see.!!

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