Monday 11 June 2012

Rishab at 49 Weeks

The last two week have seen so many changes in Rishab. Last month when he started walking his arms would be widely stretched to balance himself. When he had to cross a barrier and goto the kitchen he would sit down and crawl and then stand up with support and start to walk. Now in the past to weeks he has become more confident with his walking. His arms are no longer widely stretched. He can now get up from sitting to standing position on his own. He also confidently crosses barriers without having to sit down and crawl. Babies really pick up thing quiet fast. He can also pick up somethings and walk. Earlier his hand were used only for balancing himself. Just yesterday he was pulling his father to come out and play with him. He has a lot of fun with his father just playing peek-a-boo.

He is almost able to follow most of the instructions and can understand lots of words and phrases. He can show you "where is the sugar jar" and "where is Nanas  shaving foam" and "where is the clock" "where is the piggy bank" "goto your bed" "where are your books" "where is the moon".

This weekend we took him to Botanical Gardens.. and to our luck we had a "Opera Show" organised for the visitors. It was all so new for Rishab. So many people had come with mats and picnic set and bubble game and balls. It was so much fun.When a performance would get over Rishab would also clap for them along with the crowd. He enjoyed going to other peoples mats and observing them eat and drink. Most of the visitors were Caucasians and they loved to interact with Rishab. He also enjoyed the waterfall in the garden. It was a good experience overall.

The next day we went to  my cousin sisters place and we were in for a shock. Rishab cried very bitterly on entering their home. It was until after some time when he got used to the place that he seemed to be fine. Well guess all babies are scared of new surroundings and strangers.

In his new developments.. 2 more teeth are about to erupt, the upper 2 bunny teeth. So currently the bad teething phase is going on where is is biting on to almost everything.

We are no looking forward to his birthday just about 2.5 weeks from now. It quiet exciting to see your child turn one. Time has just flown by in the past year. It has been a learning experience for both Mrugesh and me. The best thing in the past one year has been making guess on his Rishabs need and wants from time to time. Since we dont know what babies really want all we can do is guess and sometime these guesses go really wrong.  So all in all its a learning experience... sometimes frustrating and sometimes funny... but  all in all its been a joyful first time parenting experience for us.. Now things are much easier since we can predict Rishabs needs and wants as we understand him better and also because he has become more expressive.

My next article will be on the the goof-ups and mistakes that Mrugesh and me have made during the last one year.

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