Thursday 5 January 2012

2012 - my baby almost six months

Its been almost six months now with Rishab my dear darling son been a part of our lives.. With the new year beginning I have resolved to put up each and every new memory with my darling son from now on.

I know my husband always say capture thing in your mind, but then I dont think I can always remember what all Rishab does because he just keeps doing different things all along.. and some day when I want to recollect his child hood I just want all these memories to be alive. and maybe one day he too might be interested in reading about his childhood.

Well my baby is growing up to be a fine baby man.. Baby man.. well even thought he is a baby some of his actions are so adult-like. Well from birth to now he has learnt a lot of new things.. He started learning to hold thing and let me tell you he will hold everything but his bottle.. i think he is a prince ...we hold the bottle for him and he will want to hold everything else :-) And just as we feed him he will suddenly within a nano second move his face to the left or the right an off goes his bottle .... then the cycle of distraction will start so that the poor bottle can get entry into his mouth.. Oh Rishab.. have some pity on the bottle at times. Well the only time  thats easy to feed him is night time when he is sleepy and not so alert. When he is on his back the thing he like to do is cycle his legs and he cycles them so fast that sometimes i wonder if he is fitted with some battery. and i forget to mention...if he has something in his hands he will try to transfer it to his legs and then kick it.. he can keep doing this repetitively without getting tired. My boys' energy has surprised me many times.

Rishab has also started to sit on his own. And of what a blessing this is for us.. Some times just after milk when we need to burp him we just make him sit and he goes arrrrrrr.. and the burp is like a man some times so loud and clear that it scares him ... funny boy. When we make him sit on the floor he will find new things to keep himself busy with .. like playing with his toes and trying to move behind. He does try to move push his butt behind with the help of his legs and in the process with move behind.

One thing he loves to do is stand and lately jump... all the time he wants to be on his legs and either jump or try to walk... but obviously we need to be slow with him.. this his not hims time to walk... neither to stand.

Well now its time to get back to some work.. More on Rishabs development  later.. Till then bye

Well just to show a pic of my baby boy :


  1. Awww so cool sis!!! I actually remember him doing all that you have written about and kinda miss it. He is just sooooo adorable. Im going to cherish this blog a lot. Im glad you started it. Cant wait to see him walk and run, that will be something haan!! But please do take loads of videos too. Alright until ur next blog. Love Avi.

  2. Awesome. Wow, what a UNIQUE way to keep track of the Milestones Of our Little Darling. We would like more of these Blogs. All the Best.

    Dad & Mom

  3. hope you're capturing all this through pictures as well...
