Saturday 28 January 2012

Rishab - Morning and Evening Walks

My baby's most enjoyable time is when he is out of the house. From the time he has been  2 months old we have been regularly taking him out of the house. It initially started with sun-bathing in the mornings. Me and Rishab would go down and enjoy the morning sun. He would look at trees and grass and birds feeding and would be delighted to hear the cuckoo bird coo.

Now that he has grown up and dropped his evening nap, he goes outside the house twice - once in the morning and once in the evening. One thing that remains till today is his love for nature. He loves to see the trees and the leaves swaying and flowers and birds feeding. He will be so quiet when we take him down in the mornings, absorbing each and everything he sees around. He loves to see moving objects .. right from the moving leaves on the trees (when the wind blows) to cycles and cars. If there is nothing moving his innocent eyes continue to look at the trees above him to catch some leaf moving. A very alert and observant baby.

Now we come to the evenings time when he is all energetic. This is because he has by now completed all his feeds and all his naps (the biggest nap is the one just before he goes down). We will take him to a Park down. Let me describe the park to you. The park has a slide, see-saw and a baby wall climbing area. Around 5.30 -6.00 pm in the evening there will be lots of children who will be running around and playing. Rishab also wants to do that - the first indication will be -- he will start to struggle to get out of his stroller. We will take him to the see-saw and then to the slide. Now since he is small he does not enjoy the see-saw too much .. but he has started to like the slide. We then take him to a platform where he will keep jumping - his favorite activity - and keep doing it till he gets tired.Well recently I started playing this game with him --- once he start jumping I count from 1 to 10 and then i suddenly say "STOP" and he stops. He has started understanding the meaning of "STOP". Good achievement Rishab!!!

We also play pee-ka-boo with him in the Park on the slide. one of us will disappear and re-appear from the other side of the slide and waoh !! he laughs and laughs mtill he turns red!!. Surprising how much fun such small games can give a child. The more we repeat the game the more he laughs. He truly enjoys his time in the Park.

He also tries to climb the baby wall to see whats on the other side of the wall. We help him climb and the moment he reaches the top of the wall and looks on the other side of the wall he is very surprised and sometimes he will burst out laughing if he sees a family member on the other side of the wall. For Rishab, its an achievement - cause he feels he just discovered a family member ON HIS OWN :)

Well now he also wants to walk on the ground... we give him some support and he will walk a few step and get elated. After all its an achievement for him!! Well done boy - Way to Go !!

All the above activities last about 30 -45 minutes which can be quiet tiring for him as well as us. If he is tired and done with his play, we will put him back in the stroller and he will wait quietly to be pushed back home. But if he still has some energy to do a few more jumps he will refuse to sit in the stroller and will struggle to come out. At this time we will need to allow him to do some more jumps before putting him back in the stroller.

When he comes back home from the park in his stroller he looks like a contented little "Buddha" - Cheeks all red after play - hair filled with sweat and very very hungry. Its END OF DAYS PLAY for Rishab.

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