Sunday 8 January 2012

A typical Rishabs Day

Well a babies typical routine day can be quiet boring when you look at it as a whole cause they keep doing the same thing.. practicing to be come perfect.. but then there are always some things they do to amuse us or sometimes themselves.

Rishabs typical day starts around 7.30 in the morning..He get up and stretches himself and give Mrugesh and me the sweetest smile... conveying .. "What a lovely sleep I had !!!" (please note I am not talking about my sleep) or maybe saying "what lovely dreams I had !!" (yes he might have dreamt of turning and jumping in his sleep).

Next he knows he will be changed to morning clothes .. greet good morning to mommy papa nana and nani... Papa dear will have his tea and then carry rishab... Rishab knows its time to go for a morning walk with papa... and you should see how excited he gets... just as you take him towards the door.. his face will lit up like he is going to see heaven... I will leave for office and  Papa will take him to local supermarket to show him fruits and veggies and then  have some sun-bath for 10 minutes..

Once he is back from his walks he will have his feed and take a short nap for 45 minutes and then he is back to his original energy levels.. He spends the remaining time playing and learning with nana nani .. have his cerelac and milk and then like a pandit (with stomach full) goto sleep for 2 hours straight. He gets up and does his most important routine of shitting (without which he is damn uncomfortable) Then again some play time learning time..By the time it is evening he goes to the park with Nana and plays... once he is back... we both feed him... then around 8.00 in the evening massage him. Next we will give him bath and then he will have milk and goto sleep by 9.00pm.

I know sound like a boring routine .. because this is the overall routine.. I will be writing more in detail on his park time,feeding time and bath time and the new role of joker that all family members need to adorn during his feeding time. Keep reading !!!

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